Change the Way You Think About Age!

Madeline Scotto - 101, Ida Keeling - 100, Lilian Pollak - 100 and Maude Pettus- 101 are sharing their stories, their views on ageing and their plans for the future in an inspiring video! Prepared for the International Day of Older Person, October 2015.

You think you know what it means to be 100 years old?  Meet centenarians who have busy, fulfilling lives and set goals for themselves. This video is inspired by the work of the Gray Panthers and the NGO Committee on Ageing in New York, and produced by the office of the Focal Point on Ageing at the United Nations. It is an illustration that older persons are a resource, not a burden. Please “Like” it on YouTube. It may bring a smile to your day.

NGO Committee on Ageing • PO Box 1854 • New York, NY • 10163-1854