2024 International Day of Older Persons Celebration - Geneva


 NGO Committee on Ageing GENEVA

International Day of Older Persons 2024

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Geneva Calls: A Pivotal Moment for Older Persons' Rights Tuesday 1st October 2024 Palais des Nations. Room XXI, 15:00 - 16:30

Registration link will be forthcoming


On 41 December 1990, the United Nations General Assembly (by resolution 45/106) designated 1st October the International Day of Older Persons (IDOP). The day is marked annually around the world.

The 14th session of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWGA) that took place in May 2024 marked a critical juncture in the global discourse on the human rights of older persons.

Population ageing is one of the most significant global trends of the 21st century. However, ageism and age-based discrimination continue to be tolerated and older persons in all their diversity are too often treated as mere recipients of welfare and deprived of their rights. There is an urgent need to adequately promote and protect the human rights of older persons at this pivotal moment,

The 14th OEWGA decision in A/AC.278/2024/2 lists recommendations for action by Member States including an international legally binding instrument dedicated to protecting and ensuring the human rights of older persons, alongside enhancing existing human rights treaties to more effectively address their needs. Moreover, the decision underscored the importance of integrating the rights of older persons into all international human rights frameworks, ensuring their inclusion across all platforms, including the Human Rights Council and its subsidiary bodies. This decision was presented to the President of the United Nations General Assembly (GA) on 5 June.

Since the establishment of the mandate of the Independent Expert on the full enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, the creation of the Group of Friends, the adoption of substantive resolutions A/HRC/RES 48/3 and A/HRC/RES/54/13, and the establishment of a new section on older persons at OHCHR, there has been an increasing focus and realization that the role of the HRC is crucial to ensure the human rights of older persons are recognized and robustly protected within the international human rights landscape and at national level.

The event

NGOCommitteeo nAgeing GENEVA

As we await further discussions and decisions at the GA, Grey Cells, INPEA and the NGO Committee on Ageing in Geneva propose a session ni partnership with Member States and OHCHR to mark IDOP on 1st October 2024 on the sidelines of the 57th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC). The session is designed to analyse the developments and explore actionable pathways for Member States and all stakeholders to further the human rights of older persons. It wil serve as a crucial forum for discussing collaborative and strategic methods to enhance global efforts ni upholding and advancing these rights.

Objectives for IDOP 2024:

1. Highlight the Impact of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing's Discussions and Recommendations on the work of the HRC and Geneva-based organisations: Emphasize the significance of these developments and their implications for the future protection of older persons' rights.

2. Showcase Opportunities:

• Enhanced Advocacy: Utilize Geneva's international stage to elevate the discussion and garner broader support for a legally binding instrument

• Expert Collaboration: Draw on the expertise and influence of Geneva-based human

rights entities and international organizations to strengthen advocacy for the promotion

and protection of the human rights of older persons Sustaining momentum gained through the Working Group

3. Address Challenges: Navigating the barriers and complexities of international negotiations to ensure a robust and inclusive convention that truly represents the needs and rights of older persons globally.

4. Call to Action: Mobilize Civil Society, Engage Stakeholders and promote public Engagement: Use IDOP as a platform ot inform and engage the media and public locally and globally, highlighting the critical role they play ni advocating for older persons' rights.

Proposed Speakers /draft agenda

1. Opening statements

> Mr Volker TÜRK, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. (Recorded message)

> Ms. Claudia MAHLER, Independent Expert on the enjoyment of al human rights by older persons.

H.E. Ms. Anita PIPAN. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Permanent Representative of Slovenia to the United Nations Office at Geneva

> H.E. Carlos Mario FORADORI. Representative of Argentina ot the United Nations Office at Geneva

' All speakers and panellists to be confirmed

2. Panel Discussion

• H.E. Francisca Elizabeth MÉNDEZ ESCOBAR, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations Office at Geneva, The centrality of care and support from a human rights perspective

> Martin CHUNGONG, Secretary-General, Inter-Parliamentary Union, Chair of the IGC Global Board.

• Mr. Kari TAPIOLA, Former Deputy Director General of the ILO.

> Ms Pernille FENGER, Director of the UNFPA Geneva office the human rights of older persons in ICPD

> Ms. Silvia PEREL-LEVIN, Vice-Chair of the NGO Committee on Ageing (Geneva), representative of the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA), Meaningful participation and engagement of Older persons and their representative organisations.

3. Spotlight Intervention

> Ms. Chitralekha Marie MASSEY. Chief, The Rights of Older Persons Section. OHCHR.

4. Closing remarks

> Mr. Todd HOWLAND. Chief. Development and Economic and Social Rights Branch. OHCHR.

Moderator: Alejandro BONILLA GARCIA, Chair of the NGO Committee on Ageing, Geneva

Expected outcome:

The discussions and recommendations of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing have ushered ni a transformative phase in advocating for older persons' rights at a global level. As these recommendations are poised to be presented at the United Nations General Assembly, the International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) 2024 presents a strategic opportunity to emphasize the global community's collective responsibility and potential impact. This day should be leveraged not only to galvanize support but also to crystallize the efforts of civil society, governmental bodies, and international organizations toward the establishment of a legally binding convention that comprehensively safeguards the dignity and rights of older persons. This event wil allow us to amplify our commitment and take decisive steps forward in shaping a future where the rights of older persons are fully recognized and robustly protected.

NGO Committee on Ageing • PO Box 1854 • New York, NY • 10163-1854